Freedom ministery
2 min readMar 29, 2022

Dear heavenly father
Listen and prayer

Dear heavenly father thank you so much for the gifts you have given me and for this prayer
you've put on my hearts children oh Lord God I pray
you are our glorious father work through your servants

So that all will say how great his name is of the Lord, God can use believers and non-believers alike, Saints and sinners God directs all our movements for His divine purpose whether we know it or not oh Lord thank you Jesus
Yeshua help us step into our Divine Purpose
your believers your children that signs and wonders will follow us as we follow you.

That we are not to chase the signs and wonders
That they will follow us Lord God wherever we go
So all may see your glory.

Father God, help us To put on your righteousness With The armor of your word that you have provided for us.

Helps us we not look to the workings of our own hands, or to the sky. or to the Sea, we are so grateful to you Lord Jesus to know, for God's kingdom dwells all around us, and in our hearts of your children,

Thank you Emmanuel for healing us for being with us teaching us not to chase after the treasures of men, For the Lord, our God lord has stored up true treasures up in heavenly places,
power and Glory heavenly Father is Yours
With great reverence, we thank you Jehovah The Ancient of Days, Great I Am for helping us to hear your voice in our hearts.
by the Grace of Your son Christ Jesus that dwells within your children, the seeds he has planted have grown strong and true for all things are possible with God.

this prayer is for all your intercessors and believers in this world Lord not just in Canada but everywhere and I thank you Lord Jesus for guiding me to pray this prayer.
so that we may be your hands in this world and do your good works,
No eye has seen or ear has heard the glory you have in store for your children.
pray for us dear Jesus do not you do not rush judgment your heart is a merciful and forgiving heart for we all have felt short of the glory of God,
but in your perfected sinless and loving Son Jesus taught us Your ways have redeemed us with His Blood and brought us into your kingdom thank you in Christ Jesus.

Freedom ministery
Freedom ministery

Written by Freedom ministery

A nobody Christian writer asking you to take a moment for truth of the lord Jesus Christ and be set free

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