Divine Gifts
There has always been the flowing spring of life
within you in me.
It flows all those days of our lives.
Stifled by the world around us. we all but lost in the chaos of our thoughts.
It comes from the seeds of spirit planted at your conception can find them in that quiet calmness within.
Never accusing always serene.
Nestled away like in the deepest sea.
Away from prying eyes protected till it’s time of release some point in your life it will want to be free.
Seeds of always Given to his children.
They do not belong to us.
We were only to feed and nurture,
grow them to maturity for all humanity.
The worst thing you could do locking it away and ignore it or think it’ll just go away.
You may have to answer for that someday.
It is in the kindness of strangers and the gifts he gives children that they share with others
is how God makes himself known.
just one of his many mysteries that resonate with me.