An Invisible hand

Freedom ministery
10 min readJun 10, 2023


I am just a noboby who is trying to tell everybody about Jesus.

I have been a witness to the glory of God and the goodness of God.

The powerful work He has done in my life in the last year and a half if I told you, you probably would not believe me.

First, the Lord Jesus, healed my heart from a lifetime of heartache

Pulling the splinters from my heart,a week day after returning to church, they were singing Holy Spirit, rain down, and I literally felt splinters being pulled from my heart ❤️.

And ever since that day, I’ve had invisible hand on my right shoulder on and off, as seems to be guiding me at first to the alarm to me, I try to pass it off, is nerve damage, but I know it is not for this only there, but I need guidance from Jesus

But that was just the beginning of the journey.

After witnessed miracles and wonders, and I think who am I that the Lord would show me such things

The gratitude I feel that he would show these things to someone like me is mind blowing to say the least.

I’ve hesitated to share a lot of the things I’ve been shown, and I’ve seen in the natural, even doubting my own sanity at times, but the Lord gives us a sound mind.

Nonetheless, I believe if I shared it all with you, you would probably question my sanity as I did.

Nonetheless, I feel it is my duty my privilege to share these things and you can believe it or not that is your prerogative.

Like the few people I told. About it did not so I stopped sharing it with others. But. Now God say it is way past time.

I have shared some of my dreams and visions but what I share now are things happened in the natural. These were the most remarkable.

Things that you read about in the old testament. And actually. They would happen to me and then I d read about then later. For I alway a New Testament Girl. Only start. Study the Old Testament in the last year.

Things you would never think could never happened to you. but I’m here to tell you they can, and they did happen to me.

At this point, I’m wondering where I should start there’s so many wonders I have Seen.

But I will stick to the things that. Happened in the week between to two revivals .

What The Lord has shown me I feel totally undeserving of these things .

I give thanks to him every day for allowing me to be his witness.

Even though I’ve been hesitant to share an a public manner the Lord reminds me, not fear what humans think.

I have considered all the possibilities of these things being considered, whether it was some sort of trick, but there’s no way any one could accomplish these things. Or for what reason.

So I will start at the beginning six months after my experience in church.

I decided I wanted to go to revival. I have been to a tent revival as a child, and it had a very powerful impact on my own life and on my entire family. In fact, everyone got baptized except me,

mostly because my parents considered me too young to make that decision, and it took me, another 40 years to be water baptized

As soon afterwards, I fell away hard I never stop believing, but I’ve ventured into things good Christians do not.

And I suffered greatly because of them, and so did my family.

I along with spiritual attacks that I had experience. Let me tell you evil is real, but is no match for the Lord our God.

For he who is in us is greater than he was in the world.

I was prepared to drive across the country to go to revival wasn’t sure if I may head to hitch hike to get there.

And I was about to leave when I got a notification of , revival happening a couple counties over that’s when Everything changed.

I was someone who has never experienced anything supernatural, except dreams, and visions, most of which I did not understand.

And if I did, it was in my own understanding, which is pretty much always way off.

So this revival it was called the roar, and there was a prophet there, named Maggie.

On the last night of the revival, she told me that my perceptions were change overnight and she wasn’t joking they certainly did

The next day. we heard of another one happening in another community not to far off, and they were going to have a prayer walk to bless. The area .

it so myself, and the young fellow that I met at the roar revival decided we would go to Sullivans pond in Dartmouth ns

And honestly, I was a little glory drunk when I got there. Having experience firsthand the glory of God.

Upon arriving at event, there were a group of people they were meeting in the gazebo. The air was electric

I happen to know when young man that was there pastor it frequent I chruch as a travelling preacher.

He was standing there, prophesying, when we stepped up into the gazebo, or the group of 15 people there the electrified the. Sheer power, was overwhelming

People in the group took turns, saying their peace, and then there was one man from Texas. He says had just moved to Nova Scotia, and he said he had a prophecy for someone.

When he started, to speak saying did we would know that the prophecy was about you when you looked in his eyes

And honestly as hard as I try to listen to him, I could not catch what he was saying. And know matter how hard I tried .

The next morning I knew why

Suddenly I remember why I couldn’t seem To focus on what the prophet. From Texas

My attention was. Captured on the two men the suddenly standing behind him and purple suit that seemed to sparkle, and then across then directly. Across from there was another man who was dressed in a brilliant blue suit coat looked seven feet tall. To my measly 5.3.

There as I looked at him, he smiled, smirked at me, and walked for lack of a better word. It was more like he shifted back-and-forth until he got in front of the Prophet, and grabbed the air in front of him as he was speaking.

It took me a year almost to realize that this was a dream. It was so real when I remember the day before when I get up that morning, it was as much a part of that memory as everything else that happened that day.

But more vivid in any reality

I have never experienced anything like this before any kind of room may have seem very real, but I’ve never had any trouble differentiating a dream from reality before.

It took me a while to get my mind around it.

Not sure whether it was because everyone else was dressed in black, they stood out, so no one else seems to pay them any mind but they. Had my full intentions

I plan For them to be the first people

I talk to, but as the group dispersed and people,when around shaking hands, they just disappeared

I thought that odd.

But when I went to shake the man from Texas hand, I looked in his eyes, and they were gray with no pupils.

In a minute I want looked into them. I felt like I stepped into eternity, but it was cold not a warm, no loving feeling you would expect.

I felt weak, like I may collapse

And as fast as it happened, it was over there the revival they were having was going to be the next week for sure I will plan to attend.

The next day I could not get the men in the suit coats out of my head. How come no one else talk to them or seemed ti notice them

how come no one else acknowledged them how come, they sparkled.

I asked a couple people that were there about them. But and no one. I seem to have seen them.

I wondered How is this possible? They stood out so.

This blew my mind. In it self and honestly, I’ve been trying to find this prophet from Texas ever since he seems to vanished.

I have been in the habit of kayaking and different places and praying as I felt the holy spirit Directed

I felt lead to and a couple weeks prior to that I have been led to go pray in an area. I didn’t really know why and had I put it off,

but I quickly realized it’s the same water that would feed into the place where this revival was taking place.

So I made plans to-pray where I felt I as I was led to do

This is weird things get a little complicated to explain, but I will try.

The place was called fall river a very. Wide river. I started at the far end and often to the distance I see three islands and I knew immediately that’s where I was to go. Seal my prayers.

I hadn’t gotten very far when the water suddenly got very rough, and the waves started crashing on my kayak.

I had know business. Being out in the. Rough water. The distance to the islands was much greater than I could travel on calm water alone rough water.

So I prayed Lord if that’s where you want me to go, you’ll have to take me there

I know, I could not of made it there on my own. It would’ve took me all day if I could’ve made it at all and that rough water.

I got in the water at 3 o’clock in the afternoon I was at the islands by five pm

I circled around the. Island. them father son, Holy Spirit Sealing my prayers.

What do you know when I got to the island I affectionately called Holy Spirit island something. Litterly punched my bottom of my kayak and I was upside down in the water.

So I explored the island since I was already out of my boat and I found an

staff some weird tree mushrooms, and a hat

None overly remarkable just the things I found I left the island and as I left

I looked on the far side of the river. There was a very high hill or low mountain and around it. There was some very large birds, circling or at least I thought they were birds, and as I watch them, they seem to glitch and start going slow motion, and then backwards.

I rub my eyes, and I stared at some more and what I was i seeing . I could not explain it. I can only tell you what I seen.

I was wide awake very conscious. This was not a dream.

As I left the island, I went directly to shore. Closest me , I did not try to kayak back to my vehicle.

It was only a quarter of the distance that I had came in a kayak originally and that took me two hours and the water was a lot calmer then,

so I know without a doubt in my mind the only way I made it to those islands was that I had help from the lord

I had gone home, which was about three hours from where I have been kayaking with plans return the next week for it the revival

I had had plans on being re-baptized in my church that the next month but with all the things happening around me, I decided I couldn’t wait to make sure I was on the right side of the Lord

But I’m getting ahead of myself I went home and I got word that my friend’s mother was in the hospital and she was going to pass away, so I returned early to be there for my friend on my return

I was driving. Enter the 104 at exit 5a starting on to the ramp there was no one there on the side on the road .

suddenly there was a face peering in my passenger window. Right before I was to merge. With traffic it Freaked out I pulled over I looked Behind me,

There was this lady walking around in circles on the side of the highway,

she looked like she was lost confused or dazed. Concerned. But un able to go back

I drove to the next exit turned around and went back to check and see if this lady was OK she was not there. There was no one there.

Few days later at the revival, I turned around to see the same lady on the stage, and then she was standing. In the crowd beside me.

And the week between the two revivals,

these supernatural experience, I have tried to explain to my self. But only the lord knows

And I wasted much time trying To understand But It’s been in my own power. And gotten know where

I’ve tried to fathom and understand I’ve prayed about it, but still, I am unsure.

The only thing I am sure of is that

I am so grateful

For these things , that made me do it, my sanity, a reminder of how real spiritual world is more real Then this one. And Maybe I will never grasp The truth of spiritual matters. But who is like our God. Only Jesus

Now there’s been several other things that is happened since that faithful week.

I’m not sure if I can explain them or do them justice and I’m not even sure I’m doing justice to the things that I’ve already told you.

I will need time to think on them on how to better explain them so until next time.

These are just a series of events that happened in 7 day period.

Be aware, spiritual world is real

Our God. A Good father overflowing with divine glory.

Your sister in Jesus Christ


Jesus, go before me Jesus come behind me, May these words only bring glory to you

Jesus resonate in our hearts and minds always .



Freedom ministery

A nobody Christian writer asking you to take a moment for truth of the lord Jesus Christ and be set free