My Testimony
The lord Jesus saved me, From myself. So many Time throughout my life.
Give my life to the lord at 12
But it toke me another 30 years and change To get baptized.
I have stumbled in sin Many times through out my life
Which I have Repented of to Jesus. and my father in heaven. Holy Spirit. Carries me Under his Wings
And I do repent of again now.
Lord forgive please me for my Sins of striving. And not rest and waiting on you. And for my Sins in Words, spoken or written that are not of you.
Let them fall away, Jesus what is on the words to glorify you that matter.
For wrong thinking and deeds not of you. I thank you for forgiving me all my striving and worrying and not resting in you more.
Thank you. For saving me not Only on the Cross. But all my days you have been with me in this life.
Many times I did not realize it Until afterwards.
Like the Times you sent your Holy Spirit To Comfort me, In a time of grief and the. Scent of roses. Surrounded me on Several occasions.
You have been with. me in dark Night of the soul
Jesus you are The only light I could see.
So many times you have brought me through that I may overcome. this life in your grace and mercy
Thank you Lord Jesus , for. Every splinter you pulled from my heart. That day. You healed my heart wash me clean in your blood
And a the glorious. things you have. Shown me Since. So many things in just a year.
That I sm not sure if I should. mention here. Because some things. maybe be meant to be Only Between us.
Or How you carried me upriver. In rough waters To prayer in place of your choosing. And for the things show me since you heal my heart so much more. I have pondered and treasured in my heart
Thank you For Dreams and vision
forgive me. for polluting them with my own limited understanding at times.
Thank you Jesus saving a wretch like me. In your. Amazing. Grace
Leave. Commit of your testimony, of what Jesus. Has done in you life
for it is the power of our testimony, and which we were over come
There is so much more to mine maybe another time.