Testament of visions
Part one
Jesus go before me
I’ve had a few visions and dreams
I’m not alway sure if the source
My imagination. Or something. Beyond
The one that are vividness does no fade
I believe Are spiritual in nature
God gifts us in different ways and different visions according to our callings
This is. One such vision from a few years ago
Suddenly I am aware the I m Floating in the sea of light
I look to my left and see a light being on the far shore
He is surround by rings the seemed like they orbited him or her
holding a long gold rod
Like a fishing pole
And every so often it deeps the rod into the sea of light
Then I look to my right. and there another light being closer to me
. As soon as I looked at him/her
We made eye contact
I begin to be lifted out of the sea
Instantly looking. down and see all the other people and family still asleep
And that same instant I was back in the sea with the other
I senced rather then heard the opened invitation. to return
The the vision ended
This vision I had a month ago
I was in the throne room and there was rows and rows of thrones
With many. People seated on them. Honestly. Some I was surprised to see there
I will claim what ever you say is my birth right Abba Father
Then take you place. Still I hesitated.
I felt the him think well!
I would humbly ask the lord Jesus if you. Would. Come and sit there with for only you have the righteous to reign so please join me there and help me reign in your prefect love.
Tears of gratitude And love as Jesus joined me there
Holding his hand we ascended the throne
Then suddenly the a heart wearing a 4 peaked golden crown descending from on high
Tears fill my eyes. tears of joy stream down my face as
I give thanks to almighty God & his son Jesus Christ Holy Spirit
Weather you believe. These are my imagination Or a spirited Experience
I am grateful to God For these Beautiful Visions Given to me.
I’ve. Had a repeating dream
As a child I had a reoccurring Dream
For several months
A vivid dream that scared my although I did not understand it.
1974 – 1975 repeating dream
I was 4 or 5 years old little girl
from my Point of view I was above but close by there was a little girl someone I did not recognize that time she was skipping down a hill towards a host as she neared the house my dream flashed to two either angry or demonized men
Back to the girl the dream did this several times as the girl got nearer to the house,
The girl look to be about 7–8
Blond curl forehead and wide spaced blue eyes.
It’s the girl opened a spring loaded screen door and it snapped shut behind her it was a great falling away either I was being lifted up away from the Earth or the Earth seem to be crumbling and falling away this was the end of the dream.
In my memory as if I had dreamed it yesterday but I was taught not to but so weird but deep down ya know.
A few years back before I started dreaming again
I would be awoke Up from a sound sleep. With voice hollering at me to wake up or get up.
Soon afterwards A started dreaming again.
The first one I remembered. I
dreamed of being led up a mountain it was raining and storming
I was with a group of people being led by a man who reminded me of my deceased father. We’re all caring lamps some of our lamps went out and there was those that turned back to get more light and those that continued on the treacherous path to the top of the mountain and falling off but we knew
Turning back was certain death.
I always invited Jesus in on my meditations and I had these visions while meditating
Whether these are imaginations from someone beyond myself, it’s a matter of opinion, but as for me, I believe Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour my father. God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit. Sometimes in thoughts, sometimes in urging in,of our hearts sometimes and dreams and visions, and even sometimes audibly.
Like when he told me to Gather his sheep. I still have no idea how to acompisb that
So I write. As the holy spirit leads me. To
On my face I looked up and throne was empty. And I panic Where was Jesus. I was nudge towards the throne. I look and sence line upon line of throne with people on them. When I got to the throne. I was told to sit in it I started to refused. Saying there must be. Some mistake. That I was just happy to be there To servant others. Then voice. Said do you refuse. Your place of honour. Not wanting to offend. I said no I Do not refuse but are you sure it’s for me. The answer was yes. Still I hesitated I felt. Like all of heaven was waiting on me to take my place. So I asked if Jesus Would Come and Sit on it instead asked I could just sit by his feet. And. He did but I’m when I went to sit on the floor beside he patted the seat beside him and a heart with a four point crown with Wings decend to him. Which he gave to me . I was so moved. By I weeped for days
I pray the that.This bless you and that only Gods truth shines through
Jesus, come behind me