The truth is simple
I tend to complicate the truth and I apologize. Enternal life Hinges On faith in God the Father belief the Jesus Christ was God only begotten son.
We can Only. Gain salvation through faith in the one who pay for it Jesus Christ. And trying to be more like Him.
By Treating Others as good or better. Than One self. The unselflessness Of Jesus Christ he gave not only his life. But his lifetime serving others.
And Jesus Christ is the only protection there is and With out the protection that Only Jesus Christ Can Provide . Jesus Christ the only way to salvation In faith in the truth of him that leads to life eternal.
The truth is simple Sometimes I forget that And I sometimes overly complicated. That simple Truth. humanity was lost because no one could keep the law.
The law led humanity to death, so God had a plan from the beginning . he came to earth as Jesus Christ as a man taught , the ways of God.
Then he was tortured and put to death on the cross to pay for our sins so that we may have salvation.
He was resurrected back to life taught for 40 more days and then ascended into heaven, where he’s alive today .
for he is our living God he did all this, so we may have a chance at redemption through repentance and faith in the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.
Repenting Means to return to God. To genuine apologize and turn from your sin by trying to make up for your error By doing better. Telling God everything.
Sharing with him. Every emotion from Joy to anger Putting it all under his feet. Jesus is the best Friend you always wished you had . The confidence never broke No other can love you the way his does .
Jesus Does not care about your hairdo or the clothes you wear. He Could care less if you have bad breath . Loves You through all life ups and down.
Even when we Feel we are far away from him . Jesus is the one who encouraged you to live your dreams for-he has plans for you and you have a destiny.
He left his Holy spirit dewlls with in you. For the moment you first believed .
Jesus is with you Before you believe in Him. He already Believes in you.
God go with Jesus go before me Jesus come after me Jesus surround me may only the words they bring you closer to Jesus Christ settle in your heart
Pat mason Riley
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